Hello - I'm a new reader to your blog. I am trying my best to increase my understanding of the markets, and I'm curious if you can point me in the right direction. I've seen all kinds of graphs and charts on yours and other blogs (like this for example), but I have no idea as to how to read or interpret it. Is there a book, or series of books, that I can pick up that might help? Thanks for your time! Wade Welcome aboard Wade! If you are looking for reading material, the best place to start (I think) is with John Murphy's " Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets ". I found it an easier read than Pring's " Technical Analysis Explained ". The MTA (Market Technicians Association) have recommended Edward and Magee's " Technical Analysis of Stock Trends ", but I don't own a copy I can't comment on it. The latter book is the most expensive at over $60, Pring's is cheapest with a listed price of $35 with Murphy coming ...