A good week for bulls. How did the Stockcharters see it? Dr. Joe hints at possible trouble ahead: DURING an ELECTION YEAR the PRESIDENT'S PARTY does not want to go into an election with a weak economy. It looks bad, never-the-less, it is Here Now. So, the FED RES keeps slapping on 'Band Aids' to stop the bleeding. Yes, the market is weak, but at least it hasn't Crashed... YET. How long the FED RES 'C.P.R.' will continue to resuscitate this wounded market is questionable, but I think they're probably running out of bandages. (3-14-08 dr.joe) Remember, a RECESSION is all about TIGHT MONEY. If that's true, we're definately there now. But the Yield Curve has Not Inverted yet, which not always, but usually happens. Now here's the kicker... *A Recession starts when we have TWO STRAIGHT QUARTERS OF ECONOMIC SHRINKAGE, which means it can only be DECLARED IN HINDSIGHT. Heck of a deal, huh? (But good to know for sure) Right now Eco Growth has slowed to 1/...