Two new KIVA loans
The latest two loans come courtesy of Charles Kirk of the informative The Kirk Report . This brings to the total number of project contributions up to 41 . The first project is for a restaurant startup in Tanzania: Jamila Mohamed and Mariam Rajab Chande are two entrepreneurs who do their business jointly. Jamila runs a restaurant and, at the same time, makes Kanga (a type of local attire made by tie and die). Mariam runs both a restaurant and a ladies' beauty salon in the Buguruni area. They have been involved in their respective businesses for the past six years, and are now asking for a loan of US$400 each to expand their business. The second project is for a fish salesman in Sierra Leone Unisa is 39 years old and married with two children. He sells fresh fish in the town of Magburaka in Sierra Leone. With his savings and a previous loan, he rented a small cold room where fish can be kept fresh. He sells the fish both retail and wholesale. His plan is to be the sole distributor o