
Revenue <= Market Cap

I like to run this scan when looking for (potentially) undervalued stocks which pay a dividend. These stocks make good candidates for dollar-cost-averaging when patience over momentum is the name of the game. This was today's output from the MSN Stock screener: From this list I like the look of: Olin Corporation ( OLN ). It pays a regular dividend of $0.20 a share per Q but hasn't raised it since 1999. AmeriGas Partners ( APU ) has kept its dividend steady at $0.55 a share per Q which would have been great value when the stock traded at $14 back in 2000 - this translates to a 7% yield now. Suburban Propane Partners ( SPH ) has unfortunately got a dose of caffeine and has gone from $24.61 to $45.65 in little over a year, but it pays a healthy dividend of $0.6875 a share per Q. Heineken ( HINKY ) has enjoyed 4 splits over the last 10-years and has managed to bust out of its $14-20 range held since 1998. It is a more erratic dividend payer, generally paying a smaller dividend in A...

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Trade Ideas: TRP, TOC, IR, AET, IGW, RKH, SMH, XLF

A sound day for the markets with the bulls firmly in control. The semiconductors enjoying the best of the buying. The Trade Ideas scan was somewhat mixed; the top 8 picks came in at 4 minutes , a little slow when compared to the "20-appearance" list which was cooked in 17 minutes . It would appear money is been channeled into the more active stocks, rather than a more broad sweep of buying. If you would like to try a full version of the Trade-Ideas software, follow this link for a free 7-day trial. Trade Ideas


Markets consolidated Monday's gains with the Dow pushing higher to test 52-week resistance. The Trade Ideas scan was little slower with the first 8 picks covered 5 minutes and the "20-appearance" list came in at 1 hour 32 minutes . If you would like to try a full version of the Trade-Ideas software, follow this link for a free 7-day trial. Trade Ideas


The S&P and Russell 2000 closed at new highs for the year, confining February's sell off to history. Techs did enough to close the February breakdown gaps, but hadn't quite done enough to mark new yearly highs. Only the S&P registered an accumulation day (just) and volume was perhaps a little disappointing given the technical significance of the break. The Trade Ideas scan was bustling; top 8 picks came in at 2 minutes with the "20-hit" list coming in at 4 minutes . If you would like to try a full version of the Trade-Ideas software, follow this link for a free 7-day trial. Trade Ideas Weekly review

A quick review given it is late here in Hawaii and time is of the essence. Many of the Stockcharters had not updated over the weekend (Mitchell Meana and Matthew Frailey to name two) because the site was offline. Markets have seen plenty of change over the last couple of weeks so what did the Stockcharters have to say about it? First up - it is interesting to see the most visited list is Richard Crockett's StockTiger with 22,632 monthly hits, well ahead of the normal number one ranked list: Dr. Joe , with 15,573. Richard has plenty of good ideas and his list is worth a look (he has less than 90 stocks on his list, so its manageable). Dr. Joe leads with the breakout in the NYSE. Its a simple chart, but the move in the NYSE is good news for bull watchers. But he is vague with his signal for the Dow (if Joe wants to claim "near 100% indicators" he need to be firmer with his calls - anyone can call it with hindsight on their side). Joe, is the "4-11 crossover top...

Tips to Starting a Blog

Because it is looking like I won't be able to get my review up, I have opted instead to post some thoughts on blogging. Five things bloggers should do: [1] Network . Most people know about contributing conversation via the comment posts of other bloggers, particular of blogs which are of direct interest to your own. Link backs help and at least put the ground work in place, but if your blog lacks the clout of a well trafficked site there is an alternative. A rarely used tactic for bloggers is to "slip the maitre d' a $20", i.e. if you are looking to get yourself noticed from a well known blogger in your field it would do yourself no harm to introduce yourself via a voluntary donation or Amazon wish list purchase to the blogger concerned. Trust me, hardly anyone does it and for $20 it is perhaps the best advertising deal in town. P.S. I don't have either facility - so no, it doesn't refer to myself ;) [2] Links . Most people bookmark their favor...


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