Markets Consolidate

After two days of gains it was time for consolidation in markets. The Russell 2000 didn't get this memo and added a third day of gains managing a new closing high.

The S&P finished with a doji which tagged all-time high resistance. Technicals haven't changed from yesterday and relative performance has continued to weaken. The index just has to survive profit-taking and perhaps aggressive shorts looking to take advantage of the resistance tag.

The Nasdaq experienced tight action with a narrow intraday spread. Technicals remain net bullish and relative performance is strong.

For tomorrow, it's again about tracking momentum gains in the Nasdaq while looking to the S&P to catch up to Small Cap and Tech leads. Those who missed the boat can look to the Russell 2000 and a possible revisit of 1,390 support over the coming days - a pullback 'buy' opportunity. Shorts may be able to attack the narrow doji in S&P and Tech indices and place a stop above today's (doji) high.

You've now read my opinion, next read Douglas' blog.

I trade a small account on eToro, and invest using Ameritrade. If you would like to join me on eToro, register through the banner link and search for "fallond".

If you are new to spread betting, here is a guide on position size based on eToro's system.

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Dr. Declan Fallon is a blogger who trades for fun on eToro and can be copied for free.
. I invest in my pension fund as a buy-and-hold.

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