Post no. 1,000 - KIVA time

This makes it post number 1,000 for this blog (Woo Hoo!). It comes at a time of transition as I move into the third week of my job search (no luck yet!). Moving lock stock and barrel across the planet, with a skill set in need of fine tuning to my new environment is not proving to be easy. But to celebrate the 1,000th post milestone I have set up another three KIVA loans. It appears KIVA's success continues to grow thanks to Oprah and the Today show - there were only 3 pages of projects available to lend too (the majority from Azerbaijan).

KIVA have started to provide some more detailed information on what has been lent by each person. My lender page shows I have lent to a total of 37 people. The total amount for my loans is $925 (average is $100). The total amount repaid is $576 (member average is $40). My delinquency rate is 2.70% (member average is 2.51%) with no defaults (member average is 0.38%).

Here are the three new loans

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