Trade Ideas: EMN, MWE, CYT, DJP vs AVX, CRR

My family and I are in the middle of our move back to Ireland, so bit by bit we get rid of stuff I need to keep myself connected - today was the TV (I am currently surrounded by an assortment of kitchen paraphenlia, trinkets, and to-do lists). I am clinging on to my wireless but this could be gone by the weekend in our yard sale. By next week the blog may be dark for a few days. I hope to get things back to temporary normality in August as we stop in Washington for a few weeks before the final leg to Ireland.

Our departure from sunny Hawaii is August 5th, so I will not be doing a Stockcharts summary this week (the farewell barbecue hosted by our neighbours) or next (pre-flight/last minute stuff). Traveling with a 9-month old for 14 hours will not be a ball of fun.

But buying first class tickets from Honolulu to Dulles for $600 on Expedia is priceless.

Given the flights go for $2,500+ I am sure some will be not to pleased to see a baby in first class - but I suppose its the ol' what goes round, comes around (the Dublin leg will be back of the bus economy - so it will be a brief comfort).

Anyhow. I commented briefly on the markets this afternoon and some may have caught the earlier dead cat bounce. The Trade Ideas scan was bad - but not terrible - suggesting a decent recovery could be on the cards for Friday. The "Top-8" list covered 54 minutes while only two stocks made the "20-appearance" list.

If you would like to try a full version of the Trade-Ideas software, follow this link for a free 7-day trial.

If you are interested in knowing what I do with the "Top-8" and "20-appearance" data I have prepared a report here.

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