Marketocracy portfolio

Symbol - Price - Shares - Value - Portion of Fund - Gains Inception - Return
NGPS - $28.12 - 3,870 - $108,824.40 - 10.60% - $8,950.73 - 8.96% Gold member pick
PCU - $46.00 - 3,440 - $158,240.00 - 15.41% - $8,627.80 - 5.77% Gold member pick
ANGO - $21.52 - 4,850 - $104,372.00 - 10.16% - $4,711.78 - 4.73% Gold member pick
WFR - $16.06 - 6,510 - $104,550.60 - 10.18% - $4,296.60 - 4.29% Free breakout play
CYCL - $14.12 - 7,000 - $98,840.00 - 9.62% - $949.05 - 0.97% Free breakout play

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